Wednesday, July 7, 2010

predict for semifinal WC 2010 GER vs SPAIN


An Octopus in Germany is stunning soccer fans around the world with his remarkable ability to predict the outcome of German World Cup games. Paul, a mollusk in Oberhausen, has correctly picked the result of all three German games so far. Most recently, the savvy octopus foresaw that Germany would edge Ghana to advance to the tournament's knockout stage, according to Sky News.
The prized prophet informs humans of his prediction by choosing between two boxes, each containing a delicious snack and decorated with a World Cup country's flag. Paul correctly picked Germany to
conquer Australia in their first game, and he even called Serbia's shocking upset against the Germans.
The sea-bound seer faces a unique challenge for his next selection. Paul was born in England, Germany's next opponent, and thus has deep allegiances to each team. It may never be known which team Paul will be rooting for, but he will predict a winner on Friday.

so PROUD of you, my GERMANY!!

HUAAAAA!!! 1-0 for SPAIN

gw tetep gak percaya sm si PAUL *WC octopus!!! tp gw BANGGA sm jerman!
dan gw percaya BELANDA!!

sbenernya gw gak ngerti" amat sih sm bola, tp gw tetep VOTE my GERMANY dr jaman SD! apapun yg terjadi.. GOOOO KLOSE!!!
dan satu hal dr gw, lawannya jerman BERKELAS semua!!


Monday, June 28, 2010

My Obsession ;)

My Inspiration..

Mama Babah ^^ - my parents

Raymon Kroc - McDonald Founder

Mario Teguh - motivator

Dr. Ronny Handoko, Sp.KK -erha owner

Dave Pelzer - Author

JK Rowling - Author

Vanessa Carlton - Singer

Lost in space - Lighthouse family



kami masih BAUUUU ;D

Bersama mereka, saya BAHAGIA ^^


Td gw abis ujian OS utk kedua kalinya!!! Dan merasa seperti ujian pertama kali.. BENTUK SOALNYA DIRUBAH! GGGRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr dulu ampe terakhir gw ujian, bntk soalnya msh essay 5 dosen *itupun jg gak banget* naaahh td gw ujian 70 PG dan 2 essay yg beranak pinak!
Mau nangis rasanya.. gw belajar setengah mati, ampe bikin rangkuman dr 2 diktat yg "TIPIS BGT" jd 10 lembar folio asal lo tau!!! x_x
Dan satu hal yg bikin gw makin naik drh! Ngeliat kelakuan salah satu tmen kmps gw yg SANGAT SANGAT HOBI MENJILAT!!! Setiap ujian dia selalu ngedeketin org" pinter di angkatan gw, dan teruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussssssssssssss diikutin sampe dia ngedapetin tempat duduk yg strategis *bisa dgn leluasa NYONTEK*
Abis itu, setelah dia mendapatkan apa yg dia mau, dijauhin lg deh tuh si org" pinter itu, dan dia kembali ke GENK nya.. OH MY GOSH!!! Ada bneran loooh org ky gitu.. JIJIK gw..
Sbenernya udah lama gw ngeliat dia ky gitu, tp knapa gw kesel bgt yah td! sumpaaaahhh GAK SUKA BANGET!!! JIJIK SEJIJIKNYA! ngelebihin jijik gw ke tai!

Tp terlepas dr itu semua, gw percaya semuanya ini udah ada yg ngatur.. Allah gak tidur, Allah pasti liat semua usaha gw :') Dan td pun gw ngerjain sendiri, bner" sendiri..
Gw akan nerima apapun hasilnya, karena dibalik semua itu pasti ada hikmahnya :)

Makasih Allah atas keyakinan yg telah Engkau tanamkan di hati hamba :')

Thursday, June 24, 2010

for the last


That's my secret.. No hearts..

No pretty drawings..

No poems or cryptic messages..

To love is NOTHING
To beloved is SOMETHING
To love and beloved is EVERYTHING

LOVE is wildly missunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakness the brain,
causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise, the lips to pucker,
and now..

I have learned not to worry about love..
But to honnor it's coming with all my heart..

HOME (Chris and Guy Sebastian)

Our pray.....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


‎​Sweet words are easy to say,
Sweet things are easy to buy,
But sweet people are difficult to find.

Life ends when you stop dreaming,
Hope ends when you stop believing,
Love ends when you stop caring,

Friendship ends when you stop sharing.
So share this with whom ever you consider a friend.

To love without condition...
To talk without intention...
To blessing without regret...


Cukup dulu ya utk hr ini..
mau mandi dan belajar dulyuuu... soalnya dari td pagi gak serius bljrnya :(

c you all..
hav a great day ^^

My Future Babies ^.^

Pernah nyoba maen gaakk? kalo blom coba deeeh..
Jadi lo bisa liat muka anak lo kalo lo nanti lo married sm pacar lo, kocaaakk hihihiii...
Contohnya foto bayi diatas ituu :p foto gw sama foto cowok gw digabungin, tp fotonya hrs tampak dpn dan bibirnya mingkem yaa..

Selain sama pacar lo, lo jg bs nyatuin muka lo sm artis" hollywood kikikikik....
Patut utk dicoba!!



Akhirnya dengan segenap waktu yg sangat singkat dan karena alasan tertentu, gw beranikan utk membuat BLOG!
Sbenernya lusa itu gw harus menghadapi ujian profesi yang SANGAAATT AMAAT mengerikan x_x tp yaaa gmn yaa.. yasudah laah yaa..

Dulu gw punya BLOG *jaman smp* tapi entah bagaimana bisa gw lupa pass.nya, jadi yaa terpaksa bikin baroooo! tp gak males kok, buktinya ampe memilih utk menutup handout" mematikan itu kikikikik.. ayeeeyy! :p

gitu aja dulu yeeyy...